Friday, December 27, 2019
Essay about Persuasive Speech We Must Fight Homelessness
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to help fight homelessness Central Idea: With more help for the homeless we can make America better for everyone Attention I. Imagine for a moment that youre not in this classroom. A. Instead your outside, but you not walking to class or your dorm, your living there. B. Imagine for a moment that you yourself are homeless. 1. You have no shelter 2. When it rains your wet 3. When its cold your freezing 4. You have no money C. This is what life is like for many Americans each day D. Today I would like to encourage you to donate your time or money to†¦show more content†¦C. Declining wages have put housing out of reach for many workers. 1. In every state, more than minimum wage is needed to afford a one or two bedroom apartment. 2. According to a study by the U.S. Conference of Mayors in 1998, a minimum wage worker would have to work 87 hours a week to afford a two bedroom apartment. 3. This insufficient income leaves many people homeless. D. Another contribution to homelessness is serious health problems. 1. Over 41 million Americans have no health care insurance according to the U.S. Bureau of Census. 2. Homelessness severely impacts health and well being a. With the exception of obesity, strokes, and cancer, homeless people are far more likely to suffer from every category of severe health problem. b. Conditions which require regular, uninterrupted treatment, such as HIV/AIDS, addictive disorders, and mental disorders are extremely difficult to treat or control among those without adequate housing. c. Housing is the first from of treatment for homeless people with medical problems. (Transition: It should be clear by now that the homeless epidemic in the U.S. is a problem, so let’s look at some ways we can help.) Satisfaction I. Homelessness is not a problem that will just go away, but we can help fight the problem A. One way to help is to volunteer your time. 1. Working at soup kitchens not only benefit the homeless, but alsoShow MoreRelated Animal Farm and A Modest Proposal Essay2687 Words  | 11 Pagessituation of homelessness in Ireland. Also, both of the pieces are satirical. Animal Farm ridicules the ordinary Russian people for being gullible, and A Modest Proposal mocks politicians who ignore sensible suggestions and come up with extreme ones. In the build up to his speech, Old Major first clears his throat, to gain all of the animals attention. The fact that all he has to do is clear his throat to do this, gives the impression that he is authoritative, and in control. We are given theRead More Criminalization of Poverty in Capitalist America Essay3029 Words  | 13 Pagesbelieve we all will agree that the United States is a nation of criminals. From its inception as a settler nation, exiled British criminals stole the land and lives from Native Americans and Africans. They justified their actions with making and defining the law of the land, for example defining Africans as 3/5 of a man during slavery. Hence the power to define is an awesome power. It is the power of propaganda. It is the ability to manipulate our ideas, to limit our agenda, to mold how we see, andRead MoreWe Need Talk About Kevin8189 Words  | 33 PagesText Title – We Need Talk About Kevin Text Type - Visual Author – Lynne Ramsay The movie is shoot in the past and present going back and forth, where Tilda is experiencing the aftermath of her family’s death, and the past, delving deeper into the way her son treated her. We need to talk about Kevin tells us the story about a fractious relationship between a mother and her son. Tilda goes through intense grief and violence after a homicidal massacre where Kevin had killed 15 people with this bowRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesWorksheet 661 APPENDIX I GLOSSARY 673 683 APPENDIX II REFERENCES NAME INDEX 705 709 713 SUBJECT INDEX COMBINED INDEX xvi CONTENTS P R E FA C E What’s New in This Edition? Based on suggestions from reviewers, instructors, and students we have made a number of changes in the eighth edition of Developing Management Skills. †¢ Added new skill assessments in Chapter 1 and a new case in Chapter 3. †¢ Revised parts of the book to reflect suggestions and feedback from instructors and students
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Informative Speech Outline-Kab Essay - 816 Words
Informative Speech Outline General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform Students about The Keep-A-Breast Organization Central Idea: I’d like to inform students about The History of Keep-A-Breast Organization, Who the Keep-A-Breast Organization is, and how they get young adults interested in Prevention of Breast Cancer. Introduction I. Breast Cancer. An uncontrolled growth of breast cells referring to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the Breast. In 2010, an estimated 207,090 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along†¦show more content†¦Both Darden and Gehrig had an amazing expertise in Fashion Design, photography, and event production 3. They Created a awareness campaign like no other using the power of art to communicate to the world about health and the female form, and ultimately about breast cancer. B. KAB has produced fundraising events throughout the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europ e 1. On behalf of more known organizations throughout the world. C. KAB has touched base with some of Today’s most progressive artists, celebrities, and athletes and has shown their dedication at various events. 1. Sheppard Fairey, Dita Von Tesse, pro surfers Lisa Anderson and Layne Beachley, musicians Tom Delonge of Angels and Airwaves, Katy Perry, Pink, Maya Ford of the Donnas, The Foo Fighters and many more. Transition: As a Result, The History of KAB is quite amazing; But, who exactly is Keep-A-Breast? II. Who KAB really is. A. Choosing Keep-A-Breast as the organizations name. 1. The name was different, understandable, and related to breast cancer prevention. B. abreast means to stay up to date with latest news and information. 1. KAB strives to keep up with the latest news on breast cancer 2. Once the world knows the knowledge of breast cancer, you have the power to reduce breast cancer, hence keep
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Eternal Seeds Essay Example For Students
Eternal Seeds Essay The table lies abandoned and neglected suffocating fresh blades of grass. The blistering suns arms chip away at the decaying paint. The onlyattention it receives is from a colony of black ants which infest thecracks and crevices. This splintered wooden table once had a life, whenit provided rest under the shadow of an umbrella made of orange treeleaves, where grapefruit pits replaced ants and banana peels adorned thesurface like a table cloth. We spent countless summer days sitting on this wooden table,seats reserved for both brothers, grandpa and me. These were neverpermanent, and needed periodic rotation in fear that my grandpa wouldbreak through the center and fold us up inside. The table provided a viewof the entire backyard, beginning with the half-empty pool, to thehalf-flooded surrounding concrete. From this look-out point my youngerbrother surveyed his sprouting tomato plant and I could supervise mycardboard lizard motel, which provided shelter for lost reptiles. Beyond its significance as a surveillance tower and snack rest,the table possessed industrial value, as the location for our kiteproduction line. All four of us took part in this activity each with adesignated chore. Age established the seating order, and each positionrequired the completion of a different task. Since age best indicatedability, my younger brother gathered supplies, and broke a fresh piece ofwood from the volunteering orange tree, displaying its branches daily. My other brother and I, equal in age, remained equal in responsibility. We held together the branches in a diagonal shape, while my grandpa, farsuperior in years, secured the pieces with yarn in the most aerodynamicway possible. Our table production line continued until the surface became dullfrom its frequent use, and the legs splintered from the weight imposed onits aged back. When the sight of the dilapidated table became toooffensive for my parents to support, it was demoted from the center ofthe backyard, to a hidden corner cluttered by outgrown infant chairs anda rusted swing set. This relocation symbolized our passing of age, andwas finalized by its replacement with a new wooden table. The orange tree umbrella has since folded up and the kite stolen by thejealous wind, yet memories of the table are as fresh as the seedseternally trapped beneath the wooden panels. Seeds, that will eventuallysprout into new memories, a living remembrance of the table, even afterits death.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Nike Dumps Lance Armstrong
The article discusses the fate of Lance Armstrong, a world champion cyclist accused of using drugs to enhance performance. Several companies that used Armstrong in commercials to promote their brand ended their partnerships.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nike Dumps Lance Armstrong specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These companies include Nike, RadioShack corporation, Trek Bicycle Corporation, FRS Company and Anheuser-Busch (Albergotti et al par1). Among these companies, Nike was the harshest stating that the evidence presented against Armstrong by USADA was overwhelming. Despite ending the partnership, Nike maintained that it would continue to sponsor Armstrong’s Livestrong Foundation that supports cancer patients. Owing to the doping allegations that he denies, Armstrong resigned from the foundation’s leadership. Nike has in the past stood by Armstrong when similar allegations of doping were broug ht against him. These companies manufactured the things that Armstrong used in his cycling career including helmets, bicycles, sunglasses and clothes (Albergotti et al par4). The allegations have tarnished Armstrong’s image, and his ratings as a favorite among companies have declined greatly. Oakley Inc. maintained that it was reviewing the allegations and would determine the fate of their relationship with Armstrong after a verdict by the International Cycling Union. Unlike Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant and Michael Vick who Nike strongly supported even after their scandalous accusations, Nike has disowned Armstrong even though they maintain that they believe he did not use drugs to enhance performance (Albergotti et al par10). The action taken by the companies of distancing themselves from Armstrong is understandable because he risks tarnishing their image too. In addition, the allegations presented by USADA give these companies a reason to end their relationship with Armstrong.A dvertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Their actions have protected their corporate image because they have presented themselves as responsible companies that do not support the use of drugs. The decision by Nike to continue sponsoring Livestrong foundation is commendable because it is a gesture of their corporate social responsibility (Park par9). In addition, the decision by Oakley Inc. await the verdict of the International Cycling Union is fair because the allegations may be false. Armstrong’s decision not to appeal makes him appear guilty against the allegations of using and distributing performance enhancement drugs (Park par1). However, the cancellation of his endorsements by these companies is very harsh. They do not have any other evidence to prove that Armstrong doped part from the USADA report. In addition, the decision by the witnesses to testify against Armstrong i s unfair because they agreed after finding out that he had decided not to appeal. The incongruence in the affidavits of the witnesses is also an indication of Armstrong’s unfair treatment by USADA and the companies. Armstrong’s doctor has denied administering drugs to Armstrong (Mitchell par3). The law firm that handles USADA’s legal matters may have a grudge against Armstrong because he fights laws that encourage tobacco use, which the firm supports. The decision by Nike to end its partnership with Armstrong is unfair because of two main reasons. First, they are relying on USADA’s report that they cannot verify whether it is true or false. Their action further tarnishes Armstrong’s image despite the charitable work he has done (Pearson par6). Secondly, they continued to support Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant who had scandals that tarnished their images. It is ironical and unfair for Nike to end their partnership with Armstrong because they maintain t hat they believe Armstrong did not use performance enhancement drugs (Mitchell par8).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nike Dumps Lance Armstrong specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nike and the other companies should have waited for the verdict of the International Cycling union before deciding to distance themselves from Armstrong. In addition, they should have conducted research to find the truth and use it to decide who is right between Armstrong and USADA. References Albergotti, Reed, O’Connell, Vanessa, and Vranica, Suzanne. Lance Armstrong Gets Dumped. Web. Mitchell, Houston. Lance Armstrong’s Former Physician Denies All Doping Allegations. Web. Park, Alice. Which Drug is Lance Armstrong Accused of Taking? Web. Pearson, Michael. Lance Armstrong’s Legacy May Withstand Accusations. Web. This essay on Nike Dumps Lance Armstrong was written and submitted by user Mia C. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Ccd Report Essay Example
Ccd Report Essay Example Ccd Report Essay Ccd Report Essay Report On Customer Relationship Management At Cafe Coffee Day Submitted By (Group 14)Kaveri Arora Swati Sirohi Vikash Singh Priyanshu Singh Prakriti Srivastava Cafe Coffee Day Cafe Coffee Day is Rs. 750 crore ISO 9002 certified company. Coffee Day sources coffee from 5000 acres of coffee estates, the 2nd largest in Asia, that is owned by a sister concern and from 11,000 small growers. It is one of India’s leading coffee exporters with clients across USA, Europe Japan. Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) pioneered the cafe concept in India in 1996 by opening its first cafe at Brigade Road in Bangalore. Till about the late 1990’s coffee drinking in India was restricted to the intellectual, the South Indian traditionalist and the five star coffee shop visitor. As the pure (as opposed to instant coffee) coffee cafe culture in neighboring international markets grew, the need for a relaxed and fun â€Å"hangout†for the emerging urban youth in the country was clearly seen. Recognizing the potential that lay ahead on the horizon, Cafe Coffee Day embarked on a dynamic journey to become a large organized retail cafe chain with a distinct brand identity of its own. From a handful of cafes in six cites in the first 5 years, CCD has become India’s largest and premier retail chain of cafes with 845 cafes in 128 cities around the country. Internal Customer Management Recruitment Selection Cafe Coffee Day is expanding at a phenomenal rate. Thus the need for right people, in the right place at right time is also increasing. In order to meet the demand for efficient and effective workforce, Cafe Coffee Day has adopted the correct recruitment and selection procedures. Sources of recruitment: Cafe Coffee Day has different sources for recruitment depending on the job profile in demand. For Team Members the sources are: In store Posters Referrals and Walk-ins Recruitment and selection process: For posts of team members the following rounds take place 1. Psychometric tests, Behavioral Intelligence Test, Logical thinking and Comprehension Test. 2. Application blank. 3. Personal Interview, Operations Interview, Regional Manager Interview. For Area Manager: Recruitment and selection process: 1. Collection review of curriculum vitae 2. Personal interview with Regional HR Manager 3. Personal interview with GM- HR. Training Development To ensure consistent employee performance, training and development policies are very important- even more in service sector organizations. Cafe Coffee Day has set 12 days rigorous training procedure at their office in Bangalore for all the assistant managers. Whereas all the team members undergo a 3 days training at respective head offices in North or South India. Flexible Timings The working hours are split into convenient shifts spread over 8:30 am to 10:30 pm. Night drops are provided for late evening shifts. Employee Uniform The uniform of all the employees working in cafe coffee day outlets have uniform of Black and red color combination. Leave Benefits The employees have to work six days a week and are provided with the freedom to select any day of the week as their off day. Franchisee Management Business support helps procuring easy finance Business risks are minimised Reduced cost of business due to economy of scales Training in conduct of business Technology and operating system support External Customer Management Cleanliness – The outlets should be clean for the customers Hospitality – They believe in providing family like environment to their customers. Maintenance Product Quality – Should be good and should meet customers expectations. Service – Delivery time should be minimum. Loyalty Program Cafe Coffee Day uses special ‘Cafe Citizen Card’ for rewarding Cafe Coffee Day’s c ustomers. It is a loyalty program to gain new customers and retain the existing ones. The Cafe Citizens Card entitles members to a 10% discount on all food and beverage bills. The members also receive surprise gifts, along with special offers and invitations from Cafe Coffee Day from timeto- time. CRM Tools Tie-Ups – Channel [V] Get Gorgeous Hunt CCD was the exclusive on ground partner for the national hunt for the most gorgeous female models by Channel V, wherein candidates could drop their entry forms with portfolio at any CCD outlet. The event was heavily promoted by CCD through in cafe branding and on air by Channel V. CCD also launched a new range of ‘Get Gorgeous drinks’ as part of the promotion. Innovative collaterals like branded stirrers etc. were used to add that extra element of surprise. So much so was the success of the campaign that Channel V has chosen CCD to be the on ground partner for ‘Get Gorgeous- Part II’. Movies CCD has become an important national on ground partner for Production Houses to promote movies better among the masses by means of colourful collaterals like – posters, tent cards, danglers et al. Interactivity is ensured by conducting exciting contests around the movie wherein customers with the correct answers stand to win movie cassettes, CDs, movie tickets as prizes and also through a Lucky draw get a chance to win a ‘Coffee date with their favourite movie stars’. Hence, the ‘touch feel’ experience to the movie. The ‘Mujhse Shaadi Karogi’ Promotion: The contest, starting July 10, 2004 ran across 168 cafes in 42 cities for a month, where any customer billing a ‘Shagun’ amount of Rs 301 was guaranteed to win at least one prize ranging from audiocassettes to movie tickets and a chance to enter a lucky draw, which would win them a coffee date with Priyanka Chopra. To heighten the excitement, CCD even created an ambience of ‘Shaadi Season’ with cafe staff wearing heart shaped badges with ‘Mujhse Shaadi Karogi Contest @ CCD’ pinned on their shirts. Creatively designed posters and tent cards in the wedding card format were used as tools to encourage customers to be a part of this contest. Other Successful promotions have been conducted for movies like Ladder 49, The Village, Khakee,Mughal-e-Azam, Shabd etc. ContestsLevis The 6†Below the Naval Jeans campaign, the Sykes Reversibles (Ulta Pulta) campaign, the Levi’s 501 campaign, the TLTT (The Levi’s Torture Test), the ‘Hello Gorgeous’ campaign et all are some of the successful in cafe activations designed and executed for Levi’s. Every season CCD becomes an important media for Levi’s to launch its new range of apparels. Alongwith providing tremendous on ground visibility in terms of wall visuals, tent cards, danglers, posters etc. , a contest (wherein customers could win Levi’s GVs) is designed to inject customer interactivity and to add excitement to the entire campaign. The cohesiveness of the entire campaign is accentuated by creating a new drink and christening it as the Levi’s drink for the promo period! TVS Scooty The Valentine month in 2004 witnessed an innovative campaign for TVS Scooty. CCD promoted TVS Scooty by means of a creative promotion which besides adding visibility and customer interactivity also conveyed the brand attitude to the end customer and helped them relate to the same. Through the ‘TVS Scooty Valentine Singles Campaign’, customers were asked to enter the contest of why they would rather be single and make TVS Scooty their Valentine that year. The slogans/answers served as a feedback forum for the brand managers to analyze the brand connectivity of Scooty with its TG, not o mention the collection of database of the potential buyers. To add to the festivities of the Valentine month, CCD created 2 special combos called the TVS Valentine Combos– Hot Cold (2 ice blended Cold coffees/2 Cafe Mochas with a Chocolate Fantasy). The contest was of course made attractive by the no. of freebies like Sony Discmans MP3 players etc. which customers stood to win. Not to mention the Mega prize of a 4 stroke TVS Scooty for 2 lucky winners! Liri l Liril launched its new range of soap – Liril Orange nationally through CCD by means of an innovative campaign designed for the same which included the creation of 3 new drinks called Liril Coolers (the colours of the drinks matching the new colour range of Liril) alongwith heavy in-cafe branding by means of collaterals e. g. Tent cards, Menu cards, Danglers, Posters, TV stickers, Badges Soap dispensers (in the rest rooms). Major Competitors Barista Lavazza Costa Coffee Qwiky’s Coffee Pub Mocha Georgia Coffee Customer Reviews Some Good Ones The perfect desert is the sizzling brownie they serve, its outstanding, whichever outlet you go to, the taste is the same. I was shocked to see a CCD in Ooty. No matter wherever you go, All the CCD ’s have the same ambience, furniture, menu. Music is not loud. good decor simple and comfortable. Yummy chocolate fantasy to go with chocolate sauce or ice creme Nice place.. pretty good ambience and hospitality fine too. Some bad ones The washrooms are not very well maintained, they need to improve the hygiene, some outlets have loud music playing which does not suit the image of the coffee shop. Snacks’ range is too limited. The amount you are giving for the snacks is not commensurated by the quality that you are getting in return for it The Cafe coffee Day board looks extremely dull dim and brings down your energy level. Its disappointing when you order your fav item and you get a reply its not available or out of stock I along with my friend visited CCD outlet on 01/05/2009 situated at Sayajigunj, Baroda, Gujarat and it was not a good experience. I sat at the table for more that 20 minutes but no one bothered to bring water or even menu card. Finally after asking the person repeatedly I was given only 1 menu card. Again I sat for 15 minutes to give my order but again nobody showed up so I went to the counter to give my order but the person seemed to be lost and didn’t care to take it. Now the biggest nightmare begins. I and my friend waited for couple of minutes but nobody served us. I inquired couple of times but no response. After 30 long minutes finally I was served without any apology. After finishing my coffee I had to go to the counter to pay and the cashier didn’t give me any receipt. This was the worst experience for me and it gives a bad picture of the company showing that maybe the standard of service is falling. The server was rude and more surprisingly there was no manager in the outlet. I wrote to Devahuti the customer service manager for all India on 2 may 2009 and he asked for my contact number, which I provided. The frustrating part is that no one ever called me even after sending 2 reminders. Looks like CCD doesn’t care about its customers. I am definitely not visiting it any more. It scores a big 0 for customer service. Stations of Experience Entrance Queue – It is usually in weekends. The outlets do not provide any lounge or any sitting space for waiting customers, instead they tell the time when the seat will be available. Hall Station- Where the seats are there and customers select their seats according to their comfort. Food Station – Where the board listing all the drinks and eateries on display are available. Order Process – There is a cash counter where customers have to give the order and get the billing done. Delivery Process – The order is delivered on the table to the customers. Table Clearing- It is a fast process and they are ready for Observations Positives Customer Centric Approach in case of providing products and the CRM tools. Cleanliness Value for Money Order Process Negatives Taste Quality of Products Decor- Furniture not so comfortable. Staff Behavior- Not courteous No Feedback system Slow Service Recommendations Taste Quality of ‘Other Drinks’ and deserts should be improved- Here ‘Other Drinks’ refer to non-coffee drinks like smoothies, ice tea, green tea etc. Delivery Time should be reduced. Feedback Mechanisms should be started. Training Development of Staff Ambience (Furniture Decor + Other Entertainment) should be improved. Availability of Products should be there if it is listed in the menu.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Latin Words in English
Latin Words in English English has lots of words of Latin origin. Some of these words have been changed to make them more like other English words- mostly by changing the ending (e.g., office from the Latin officium)- , but other Latin words are kept intact in English. Of these words, there are some that remain unfamiliar and are generally italicized to show that they are foreign, but there are others that are used with nothing to set them apart as imported from Latin. You may not even be aware that they are from Latin. Words and Abbreviations With the Latin Parts Italicized via - by way ofin memoriam - in memory (of)interim - meanwhile, intervalitem - likewise, also, although it is now used in English as a bit of informationmemorandum - reminderagenda - things to be done - et used for andetc. - et cetera used for and so forthpro and con - for and againsta.m. - ante meridiem, before noonp.m. - post meridiem, after noonultra- - beyondP.S. - post scriptum, postscriptquasi - as if it werecensus - count of citizensveto - I forbid used as a way of stopping the passage of a law.per - through, bysponsor - one who accepts responsibility for another See if you can figure out which of these Latin words may be substituted for the italicized word in the following sentences: I read the bit of news about the Jesus tomb with more than a touch of skepticism.He emailed a reminder about the Discovery Channel program on Sunday.A regent will serve as substitute ruler in the meanwhile.He came to the study of Ancient Greek by way of Latin.Epitaphs can be written in memory of loved ones.A tribune had the power of preventing the law from being passed.This pseudo-test is more than easy.He sent a second email as a follow-up to the TV alert saying the time he listed was meant to be in the evening. For more, see Latin Expressions Found in English: A Vocabulary Unit for the First Week of Beginning Latin or General Language, by Walter V. Kaulfers; Dante P. Lembi; William T. McKibbon. The Classical Journal, Vol. 38, No. 1. (Oct., 1942), pp. 5-20. For more on words imported from Latin into common and specialized areas of English, see Legal Latin TermsA Dozen Words From Psychology That Are Based on Greek or Latin RootsLatin Religious Words in EnglishLatin Words in Newspapers That English Has AdoptedGeometry TermsWhere Do You Add the Ending?The Meaning of Confusing Pairs of Greek and Latin Roots
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Management of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding Research Paper
Management of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding - Research Paper Example The management aspects appear to be directed at healthcare workers rather than patients. For instance, the article elaborately explains how scoring systems for AUGIB work. It also presents initial resuscitation processes and drugs used before enodoscopy. This information is largely useful for healthcare workers rather than AUGIB patients themselves. The article is crisp in terms of language and detailed in terms of information. Overall, the article is very informative for healthcare workers involved in the management of AUGIB. The article vaguely relates to clients with a GI bleed and cannot be used as a patient hand out. The language and medical terminology employed in the article is too complex for a lay person to understand. As already stated, the information provided by the article is helpful for healthcare workers and not for patients themselves. The article talks less about how an ordinary person can manage the illness and more about the medical interventions and management processes applied. The only section that could benefit patients is that of risk factors for AUGIB. These however are not helpful in management of the illness. The article discusses medical procedures for management of variceal and non-variceal bleeding, which are difficult for patients to understand. For instance – For oesophageal varices, variceal band ligation using elastic rubber bands (Figure 1) has been shown to be superior to sclerotherapy (i.e. the injection of sclerosing agentâ€â€similar to treatment of haemorrhoids) (Laine and Cook, 1995; Lo et al, 1997). If banding is sub-optimal or cannot be achieved, then sclerotherapy may be considered (Jalan and Hayes, 2000) (Mitra, Marrow and Nayar, 2012, p. 39). A lay person would find it hard to understand procedures such as â€Å"sclerotherapy†and terminologies such as â€Å"comorbidities†, â€Å"resuscitation†, â€Å"proton pump inhibitors (PPI)†, â€Å"aetiology†, etc. Patients would have been able to
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